The oldest gunmaking company in continuous existence in the English-speaking world, John Rigby & Co., has teamed up with hunting and conservation organisation Safari Club International (SCI) to offer a fantastic gift to anyone buying a new Rigby rifle in the next 12 months. New Rigby owners will automatically receive one year of SCI membership – compliments of John Rigby & Co., with all associated benefits, including worldwide delivery of all SCI publications, including seven annual issues of Safari Magazine and 12 issues of the award-winning Safari Times. Existing SCI members buying a new rifle will be able to transfer the gift membership to a third party of their choice.
The move further aligns the two organisations, which have been working together in advance of next year’s SCI International Hunters’ Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA that brings 25,000 hunters’ from across the globe together for an annual gathering. Rigby’s gunmakers are producing a commemorative .275 rifle in homage to the Rigby rifle of that calibre used by the renowned hunter of man-eating big cats and big game protection pioneer, Jim Corbett. Earlier this year, Rigby acquired Corbett’s .275 and will display the original, along with the commemorative rifle produced for auction, at the SCI convention, February 3 – 6, 2016. Proceeds from the sale will be used to fund wildlife conservation programs and the protection of hunters’ freedoms globally.
Rigby’s Managing Director, Marc Newton, said: “We’re very pleased to strengthen our connection to SCI in this way and delighted to be able offer purchasers the benefit of SCI membership.”