Visitors to John Rigby & Co.’s safari tent stand at this year’s Game Fair are being treated to the spectacle of fine sporting art being created in front of their very eyes, along displays of the brand’s legendary London best guns and its range of desirable accessories and clothing.

Rigby, which launched its art department at The Game Fair in 2019, is using this year’s event to unveil the latest member of its in-house art department, award-winning artist Justin Prigmore. Justin, who is known for his dramatic, powerful large-scale paintings of wildlife, holds a Masters degree in Ecology and until recently worked in nature conservation for a range of organisations including the Cairngorms National Park Authority. He has been drawing and painting for as long as he can remember and travels extensively to find inspiration for his work and study wildlife in its natural habitats. Born in Wales and now based in the Scottish Highlands with his family, Justin has gained international recognition for his work which is exhibited in prestigious juried shows, auctions and galleries around the world.

Justin is at the Rigby stand throughout The Game Fair working on an untitled 40 by 60-inch African-inspired oil painting, giving visitors the chance to observe as he puts the finishing touches on the piece. Another of his recent works, another 40 by 60-inch oil painting, is for sale on the stand. ‘Highland Rendezvous’ depicts a remote area in the North West Highlands of Scotland during the October red deer rut and shows the dominant stag with his harem of hinds – a scene familiar to any Highland stalker.

Justin shared his thoughts on joining the Rigby Art Department in the run up to The Game Fair: “I am thrilled to be working with such a legendary name as John Rigby & Co. The history and the spirit of adventure that the brand embodies is so enchanting that it feels like the perfect brand for me to partner with to create some inspirational pieces of wildlife and sporting art. I’m really excited to be starting this journey together and I look forward to meeting many of the Rigby fans who share these ideals at The Game Fair while I work on my latest piece”.

Rigby’s Managing Director Marc Newton added: “The Game Fair is a home away from home for the Rigby team; somewhere we get to meet lots of our British-based customers and plenty of like-minded folk. We are delighted that Justin is joining our thriving Rigby Art Department and what better place to share this news with our followers. If you’re at The Game Fair this weekend, please do come along to the stand to see Justin at work and take a closer look at the artwork and our legendary range of guns”.

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