“Sentinel” Original and fine art prints

Klipspringer original (1 of 1) and fine art prints (1 of 25)

Rigby artist and engraver Geoffrey Lignon brilliantly captures the essence of the klipspringer antelope in “Sentinel.”

The piece seeks to highlight how the small antelope can thrive in challenging terrain, from sheer slopes to rocky landscapes and even level, jagged lava fields—turning these environments into safe havens, thanks to its bounding gait and sure-footedness. Lignon skillfully translates the pointed hooves and spiky fur coat of the klipspringer into the intricate details of “Sentinel.”

“Sentinel” is sized at A4 and is available to purchase as an original or limited edition print. Each print features a 1.5 cm white border and 7 cm bottom border, where it is hand-signed and numbered by the artist, before being stamped with the Rigby logo in relief.

By purchasing one of these prints, you become a part of Rigby’s legacy, with each purchaser’s name recorded in the hallowed Rigby ledger books—a tradition akin to acquiring a Rigby gun.

Certificate of authenticity provided.

SKU: N/A Category:

From: £ 120.00

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