Rigby’s apprentice gunmaker, Jamie Holland, has been awarded the Worshipful Company of Gunmakers’ certification for excellence, having demonstrated his skills and knowledge to a panel comprised of distinguished current and former gunmakers chaired by Steward Colonel Simon West.

Areas of assessment included expertise in actioning and chambering, final finishing, fitting of sights, in-letting and polishing and in raising the grain on rifle stocks. In addition, the panel were impressed by the young gunsmith’s consistent accuracy when zeroing and regulating rifles for Rigby. Diana Berry, Master of the gunmakers’ livery company, presented Jamie with his certification at the London Proof House on 25 September. The ceremony was followed with a celebratory drink at the Gunmakers’ Arms, Clerkenwell.

Jamie began his apprenticeship at Rigby’s London workshop and showroom in 2015. For the past four years he has been skilfully mentored by highly respected Rigby gunsmith, Olivier Leclerq. “This is a well-deserved accolade for Jamie,” commented managing director Marc Newton, who has overseen Jamie’s work during his time at Rigby. “Since he joined us four years ago he has become a key part of the team thanks to his technical ability and also his excellent manner with customers and colleagues.”

Jamie added: “I am delighted to have obtained such a prestigious and historic award; its brought a fitting conclusion to many years of hard work. I have to say I’m extremely grateful for the outstanding team that I am surrounded by here at Rigby’s. They have given me the continuous guidance and support that has enabled me to pursue this certificate.”

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