This month we headed into Pensbury Place to catch up with one of Rigby’s newer members of staff, VIP account manager Dave Moshy. Dave joined Rigby in the spring, so this was a perfect time to check in and see how he’s getting on.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, where did you grow up and what did you like to do?

I grew up in Western Sydney, New South Wales, Australia and despite growing up in the suburbs, I had a desire to visit the coast or the bush at any given opportunity, meaning I would pester my mother and father on the weekends until my sister and I secured a trip to the beach or packed the car with some rods to go for a fish. I attended public schools in the suburbs but was never really interested in pursuing a trade or a degree like most friends were. Rather, I was interested in exploring different opportunities that were unalike and unique, which has ultimately led me to working at Rigby.

Where did your interest in guns come from?

The outdoors. At a younger age I had lots of fishing equipment, and I didn’t quite have the space at home for many other toys, so I had a decision to make. If I was going to start hunting in Oz, there were two options – a gun, or a bow. I chose gun and that’s when it all began. Hunting rifles are my passion and my love for firearms continues to grow, from old military bolt actions to new-age shotguns.

How did you start working in the guntrade?

I’ve only been in the guntrade since joining Rigby a little over four months ago. I visited the Rigby premises at the end of March to have a look around and see the place. I’d read a fair bit about the company when I was much younger and thought I’d visit. Whilst being shown around, I thought to myself “this is a good chance to ask if they’re hiring”, so duly I asked, and four days later I started here.

How long have you worked at Rigby and what’s changed since you started?

I have worked at Rigby for a little over four months and the company has shown a lot of growth within that short amount of time. The addition of new employees coupled with the experience of the seasoned veterans has allowed the company to identify areas of growth as well as improvement. The combination of new and experienced minds gives the company an edge on growth that wouldn’t be possible without one or the other.

Please can you tell us a little more about your role at Rigby?

I am the VIP account manager, and that means I primarily manage our Middle Eastern VIP clients’ current and future orders, sales, visits, quality control and the packing and shipment of orders. As I understand the Arabic language, this allows me to speak and write to Middle Eastern VIP customers to establish a relationship and bridge the barrier between English and Arabic. Customers from around the world visit Rigby to experience top tier London gunmaking and we want to ensure we tailor the experience to the customers’ needs, regardless of the languages and cultures involved.

What have you been working on since you started with Rigby?

I’ve been working to put new processes in place and consolidate our VIP orders and accounts. There is a significant amount of opportunity within this space, and I will continue to work on ways to streamline processes. I’m very excited for what Rigby has in the pipeline and I can’t wait to explore the opportunities that arise as the company grows. I am currently working on expanding potential prospects and branching out to future VIP clients to invite them to our company, showcase our products and ultimately, be a part of the Rigby family.

Are you a fan of hunting and if so, what’s your most memorable hunting trip?

I absolutely love hunting and being out in the wild – or in the scrub, as we like to say in Oz. My most memorable trip was during a three-day public land hunt in the Northern Territory with a mate. The first day landed us nothing. The second day was tough, we’d hiked into the scrub in near 40-degree heat and at 10 kilometres we decided to begin the trip back. It was at this moment we identified we had about one litre of water left between us. We rapidly came to terms with how serious this was, as we were already severely dehydrated. Long story short, after 20-plus kilometres we made it back to camp (just) at nightfall with muddy heads and cramping bodies.

On the final day we had a lie in before setting off, and quickly found the tracks of a mob of pigs. After around two hours we approached a dry billabong. I shifted my body past some pandanus trees and as I raised my head, I locked eyes with a boar resting 10 metres away in the billabong. I took a quick shot, and my mate managed a great shot on another running pig. It was at that split second moment of locking eyes with the young boar, I realised what hunting is all about. It is the act of persevering through weather, terrain and fatigue, all whilst stalking game that is more tuned to an environment than we would ever be.

And finally, how do you like to spend your time outside work?

I enjoy spending time with my partner visiting cafes, pubs and notable locations around London and the UK, as well as travelling overseas. You’ll also find me watching rugby, particularly international matches when the Wallabies are playing. I look forward to chatting to my family back in Australia whenever I get the chance, and it reminds me of life there – hunting, taking the boat out fishing, off road driving, camping and visiting the pub with my mates.

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